The EMBA program is no longer accepting cross registrants for the Spring 2025 semester.
The information on this page only applies to Executive MBA courses, which meet primarily on Fridays and Saturdays. This information also applies to select EMBA block week courses which meet all day Sun-Thurs or Mon-Fri. EMBA electives have course codes beginning with the number 7 (i.e. B7xxx-xxx).
As EMBA courses have an atypical meeting pattern, please check CBS Course Catalog for course schedules and course information before requesting an eligible EMBA course. Please note that CBS has a grading curve policy that applies to all students including cross-registrants registered in EMBA/MBA courses.
Important Information on Executive MBA Cross-Registration
Select Business School Executive MBA offerings, excluding core courses, are open to all currently enrolled Columbia University, Teachers College, and Union Theological Seminary graduate degree candidates, as well as post-baccalaureate students in the School of Professional Studies (SPS). Note that while undergraduate seniors are permitted to enroll in full-time MBA courses, they are not permitted to enroll in EMBA courses.
Executive MBA courses (B7000 Level) are primarily offered on the weekend, and are available on an exception basis for students who need to take weekend electives. Students may not be enrolled due to pre-/co- requisites for the course. Cross-registration seats are offered on a space-available basis after the EMBA registration process is complete. Note that not all EMBA courses will be available for cross-registration, due to issues of capacity and pedagogy.
In addition to our Friday and Saturday offerings, we offer a small number of block week courses that generally meet 9 am-5 pm on the dates indicated. Please note that the course list indicates which format each course is offered on Friday and Saturday courses are each part of a menu that corresponds to their specific meeting dates/times.
Almost all EMBA finance electives have the finance course Capital Markets & Investments (FINC B7306/B8306) as a corequisite. The following Columbia courses offered outside of the Business School have been approved as equivalent to Capital Markets & Investments:
· IEOR E4711 Global Capital Markets (SEAS)
· MATH GR5280 Capital Markets and Investments (GSAS)
· INAF U6045 International Capital Markets (SIPA) and INAF U6022 Economics of Finance (SIPA) taken together fulfill the Business School's prerequisite of FINC B8306 Capital Markets & Investments.
All other stated prerequisites have to have been taken at the Business School. Instructors may not waive these prerequisites.
Students who believe they have the appropriate background may take an exemption exam for Capital Markets & Investments. The exam is three hours and administered online. Students interested in taking the Capital Markets exemption exam should check this page for the exemption exam access request link to be posted throughout the year. The exemption periods are late February/early March, late August, and early October.
Non-Business School students may take no more than 3 credits of business school courses (this includes MBA, PhD, and EMBA courses) per semester and no more than 12 credits during their entire Columbia course of study.
Non-Business School students will receive traditional letter grades (A, B, C, D, F) for courses taken at the Business School. Please note that Columbia Business School observes a grade curve policy and students should inquire with their home schools early about the pass/fail grading option if permitted by their home schools. This may require coordination via a home school administrator with the university registrar via a Registration Adjustment Form.
Also, the Business School in general, and the EMBA program, in particular, follow a different academic calendar than most of the University. Students should review the EMBA calendar to ensure they meet the required course and exam dates. Please be aware, that most full-term EMBA courses begin the weekend of September 6, 2024, but specific meeting times for each course are indicated on the program-specific elective schedules.
Drop or Withdrawal Procedures and Deadlines
Full term courses
Dropping an EMBA-NY Friday/Saturday course after 3 class sessions will result in a W on the student's transcript, indicating a late withdrawal. Dropping a course after 4 class sessions will result in an F on the student's transcript.
Half term courses
The deadline to drop an EMBA half-term course (1.5 credits) is before the start of the second course. Students may withdraw (with a notation of a W on their transcript) from EMBA half-term courses before the start of the third course. Dropping a course after it has met for 3 class sessions will result in an F on your transcript.
Block Weeks
The deadline to drop an EMBA block week course is the Thursday before the course begins. Students may withdraw (with a notation of W on their transcript) from the EMBA block weeks before 12:00 PM noon on the second day of the course.
Half Block Weeks
The deadline to drop an EMBA half-block week course is the Thursday before the course begins. Students may withdraw (with a notation of W on their transcript) from the EMBA half block weeks before the start of the second day of the course.
Executive MBA course drop or withdrawal requests must be sent to [email protected].