We are strong believers in the value of our core curriculum. However, we recognize that many of our students have considerable background in certain areas of our academic program, and we wish to grant them the flexibility to take additional electives in place of fixed core courses whose content they have already mastered. Such mastery is determined by passing an exemption exam, which is comparable to a final exam in a given subject.
We have created the following FAQs to help you navigate the exemption process. If you have questions that are not addressed here, please e-mail [email protected].
We encourage students with any prior experience or coursework in any of the core courses to attempt the exam. If you pass the exam, you can still decide to enroll in the course (by emailing exemptions@gsb.columbia.edu). You may audit a core course you exempted by reaching out to the instructor. Students may audit elective courses they exempted provided the courses have space available after the applicable add/drop period - please visit Auditing Policies for CBS students.
Each MBA student can view their exemption exam calendar on their designated Canvas exemption site. Exemption windows are generally offered in a student's first year.
Can I be exempted on the basis of my previous academic work conducted outside Columbia Business School? Why do I have to take an exemption exam?
Exemptions are only granted upon passing the corresponding exam, not on credentials. Students have to pass an exemption exam to prove proficiency in a course based on the standards of the materials taught at Columbia Business School, since content can vary from school to school. Through this process, we ensure that Columbia MBAs have a consistent level of knowledge in our core curriculum when the program is completed.
Students who unsuccessfully attempt a course (grade of F for fail or W denoting course withdrawal or IN for incomplete) at Columbia Business School may not attempt the exemption exam for that course.
Can I exempt from elective pre-requisites?
Though not a core course, Capital Markets & Investments is a common prerequisite for most upper-level finance courses. Students may attempt to waive this course by taking an exemption exam at any time the exemption exam is offered (typically at the beginning of a new term).
When are the exemption exams offered?
Exemption exams are offered during a 1-2 month period leading up to Orientation and again before registration every semester until the third term to allow students to exempt. Please note that all core exemption exams are offered in the first term only except for Operations Management. Students interested in exempting Operations Management must attempy by the second term. MBA students can view their exemption exam calendar.
Where can I find information to help me prepare for the exams?
Entering students will have access to an exemption exam course link on their home page in Canvas once they've registered for the Pre-MBA Program and been notified by email that they can log on to the site. There they will find syllabi for core courses for which there are exemption exams. The amount of information posted to the page is at the faculty's discretion. There will also be information regarding the format of the exam and what materials may be used for the exam.
Is it permissible to use materials or notes from current or past Columbia Business School students as preparation materials for exemption exams?
No, this would be considered a violation of the Honor Code. You should refer to the exemption exam information on Canvas, which provides the necessary background and has been approved for use by the faculty.
May I contact the professor directly to ask for additional information?
All questions regarding exemption exams should be directed to [email protected].
When do I find out if I've passed an exemption exam?
Notification timeframes for each exemption exam period are available on the exemption exam Canvas page.
Should you successfully exempt from a course, the course will appear with an XMT in the course registration system usually in the semester you attempt the exemption exam . This will not be factored into your GPA, nor will you receive any credits. It is strictly a notation that you passed your exemption exam.
Can I still enroll in a class that I passed the exemption?
Students may pass an exam in order to get the prerequisite for an upper-level elective but still choose to remain in the course. Students should contact their academic advisor via email if they wish to waive an exemption and enroll in the course. Also, you can choose to audit the course you exempted. Note that auditing is an informal agreement between a student and a professor and is not credit-bearing.
What grade is required to pass the exemption exam? Does everyone pass?
The grade required to pass the exemption exam is at the discretion of the grading faculty. All decisions are final. Please be aware that while we encourage students to attempt to exempt, there is no guarantee of passing the exam.
I am currently enrolled in or have withdrawn from a course for which an exemption exam is offered. Am I eligible to attempt the exemption exam?
A student still registered in a course past its applicable add/drop deadline or withdrawn at any point for a grade of “W” will be ineligible to take the exemption exam for the course. A student in either of these scenarios has had access to course content and is thus deemed ineligible to take the exemption exam.
A student who drops a course prior to the add/drop deadline is eligible to take the corresponding exemption exam.
Does passing an exemption exam reduce the number of courses I need to take in order to graduate?
No, exemptions do not reduce the number of credits required for the MBA degree; they simply enable students to take additional electives.
If I fail an exemption exam, does it appear on my transcript?
Failed exemption exams are not recorded on students' academic transcripts; there are no negative consequences to taking and failing an exemption exam.
If I fail an exemption exam, may I retake it at a later date?
A student may only attempt each exemption exam once; exemption exams may not be retaken.
What should I do if I'm not satisfied with the grade I received on my exemption exam?
Exemption grades are final — there are no grade appeals.
Where can I find study materials for the exam?
Exemption exams should be taken by those with background in the subject, they are not meant to be studied for. Course syllabi will be posted to the Canvas pages to review what will be covered in the course and on the exam.
Can I take exemption exams through my final semester?
No, exemption exams are offered up until registration prior to the third semester.