Event Planning & Marketing
Events can be hosted by recognized Columbia Business School student organizations. Club officers are the only individuals authorized to reserve space on behalf of their group.
Note on Boat Cruises
Boat cruises are not approved for budget expenses and are not considered official events.
Student Programming FAQS & Terms
What are blackout dates?
OSA works with other CBS partners to set specific dates and times when student organizations are not able to plan any types of events. These are put in place for academic purposes (such as exams or LEAD), important community wide events (like the Career Fair or Town Hall) or breaks and holidays when the school is closed.
Can student groups plan outside of the approved programming times stated below?
No. The programing dates and hours listed below are put into place by OSA to ensure there are no conflicts with classes. Academics are the priority, and this rule also ensures equitable programming opportunities and attendance.
Are there exceptions to these rules?
Event exceptions are rare and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Student groups must submit an exception request in advance to be reviewed by their OSA club advisor and/or CMC and Academics.
Student group executive board meetings are allowed to occur during blackout days and times with the exception of individual academic conflicts (classes, exams, etc.).
Room Booking & Event Approvals
All officially sponsored student group events (on-campus, off-campus and virtual) must be submitted through your CampusGroups portal for approval.
Classroom & Special Event Space Requests- Submitted Through Your Club's CampusGroups Portal
Classroom Booking
- Classroom booking requests can be submitted for:
- Tiered classrooms
- Flat space classrooms
- Classroom booking requests may take up to 72 business hours for review.
Special Event Space Booking
- Special event spaces that can be reserved by student groups are considered the following locations:
- Cooperman Commons
- Alumni Suite
- The Board Room & Ray Horton Lounge
- Kravis 1040 (Executive Dining Room)
- Student screening room (Monday-Thursday, after 5:45 p.m. & Friday-Sunday, all day)
- Special event space booking requests may take up to one week (5 business days) for review.
- Special event space booking requests are reviewed by the Dean's Office after initial approval from your OSA advisor
Other Events
- All other event approval requests (virtual, off-campus) may take up to 72 business hours for review.
Last minute requests may not be approved.
Other Columbia Spaces
- For locations outside of the Business School such as Lerner Hall, Low Library, Faculty House, or outside locations please reference University Event Management
- Charges will occur for space, catering and facilities.
- Note that events hosted in other CU spaces must still be submitted through your organization's CampusGroups portal for approval.
Event Services
- Requests for Operations/Facilities include:
- Custodial Services (events with food/drinks)
- Room Setup
- Furniture Needs
Events Technology Group
- Requests for Events Technology include:
- Additional A/V needs beyond a typical classroom or special event space setup
- On-site media tech
CBS Catering & Food/Drink Options
Large Scale Events With Catering and/or Alcohol
- All large-scale events that require catering and/or alcohol must be catered by University Events Management (UEM).
- Use of hard alcohol at events is strictly prohibited. See full CBS Alcohol Policy.
- Access the UEM Business School Menu.
Other Food/Drink Options
- For smaller events in classrooms or do not require staffing, please see other approved vendors that can be utilized.
- Note that pick-up for non-UEM vendors must be arranged in the lobbies of Geffen or Kravis hall.
Event Sustainability
Tips for Implementing Event Sustainability Practices
- Elect for buffet-style catering
- Gauge food order based on expected attendance and melt
- Utilize digital marketing and promotional methods
- Consider using eco-friendly giveaways and promo items
Marketing & Communication
Digital Marketing Requests
Print Marketing Requests
- Columbia Print
- Approved Vendors
- Additional print vendors can be found in Voucher Accepted or Branded Merchandise lists
Club Logo Approval
Review the Club Logo approval process.
Student Org Promo Items Policy
- All merchandise, whether a Club name/logo or the CBS name/logo was used or not, produced by a student group needs to uphold the University's quality assurance policies and comply with CU Licensing requirements.
- Promotional items created by vendors that are not approved and submitted for reimbursement will not be honored and students will be responsible for the cost.
- Review policies on creating promotional items for your student organization.
- Review guidance for student organization graduation stoles.
Communication Guidelines
Clubs and clusters have various methods of communication to members. In most instances, you are able to use your CampusGroups portal to communicate. Unofficial communication can not be delivered via CBS communication channels
- Examples of official Communication to Club Members:
- Event promotion and/or sign-up
- Professional and/or career opportunities
- Election results
- Approved travel such as career treks
- Examples of unofficial Communication to Club Members:
- Events not sponsored and/or approved by CBS
- Events not using club or cluster funds
- Unofficial club or cluster travel (review the Student Travel information).
- Community E-mail Policy
- Clubs may opt to send one community wide e-mail per semester for application-based programs or events that require a ticket to be purchased. Please e-mail your OSA advisor to coordinate.
- Note on Social Media
- Usage of social media such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat and LinkedIn are encouraged to be used as a way of diversifying communication methods. Care should be taken to ensure that any type of social media posts reflect official club communication and also is representative of the core values laid out by the Honor Code and Community Standards. Failure to follow may result in club and cluster sanctions.
- Note on Slack & Other Messaging Apps
- Slack is a student-managed platform that clubs and clusters may use to communicate with members. While Slack (and other messaging apps) can be used to communicate both official and unofficial events, it should not be a club's primary communication channel.
Communication Best Practices
- Be aware of your intended audience and think about the best time to communicate.
- Be sensitive to the language included in club and cluster communication- inclusion and sensitivity are key.
- Ensure your messaging is clear and targeted to the overall goal of the communication.
- Remember that official club and cluster communication can be viewed by audiences beyond club and cluster members.
CampusGroups E-mail FAQs
Click here to review helpful FAQs about using the CampusGroups E-mail tool in your club or cluster portal.
Special Request
Deans Participation Requests
- For flagship club events (signature/long standing legacy event, student conferences, heritage cultural celebration month event)
- Requests must be submitted at least four- six months prior to your confirmed event date.
- Due to the availability, only a limited amount of requests will be approved per academic year and participation is not guaranteed.
- Direct outreach to the Dean's Office is not allowed and may impact your student organization's ability to make requests in the future.
- Submit a dean's participation request via CampusGroups.
Presidents Participation Requests
- For flagship club events (signature/long standing legacy event, student conferences, heritage cultural celebration month event)
- Requests must be submitted at least six months prior to your confirmed event date.
- Due to the large number of requests the Office of the President receives and the complexity of the President's calendar we are not able to guarantee her attendance at your event. Only a limited number of requests will be approved per academic year.
- Direct outreach to the President's Office is not allowed and may impact your student organization's ability to make requests in the future.
- Submit a President's participation request via CampusGroups.
Exception Requests
- OSA will consider formal exception requests from student organizations that fall outside of approved club programming times and for event costs that exceed the normal spending amounts.
- Requests must be made in advance (prior to submission of paperwork for contracts and prior to using personal funds for reimbursement requests).
- 2X2 Rule: Clubs are limited up to 2 approved event exception requests and up to 2 approved budget exception requests per semester. Exception approval is not guaranteed and will be reviewed by your OSA advisor.
- Exception Request form
- WARNING: Any contracts/services/items that are not eligible for reimbursement as per processes outlined on this website will risk loss of personal funds. Connect with your OSA advisor or FPO contact to review PRIOR to spending personal funds.
Speaker Gifts
For events that feature outside speakers, clubs may spend up to $75 for thank you gifts. We recommend:
- CBS Gear Store
- Columbia University Book Store
- Clubs can purchase items from the book store directly from their club account!