Columbia University has a strict policy against copyright infringement as do most educational institutions see: Copyright Policy. The policy is very clear that the University prohibits illegal copying of text, media or other work without permission. From time to time, ITG is contacted by CUIT because they have been notified by a music or video industry security bureau regarding the illegal downloading of software, music, or video. It is our obligation to inform you of what will happen should you or your electronic device be found in violation of University policy.
First time Offenders:
- ITG is notified that a Student, Faculty or Staff member has downloaded something illegally on their computer. The client is notified of the offense and is subsequently blocked from our network. To remove the network block, the client must visit a member of their designated ITG support team. ITG will work with the client to remove the material from the computing device and ask the client to sign the Copyright Infringement Notice. The notice states you understand what has occurred and will not infringe again.
- ITG then notifies your designated institutional Office (see below) of this issue and then restores your network access. You are given a copy of the signed Copyright Infringement Notice.
For Second Offenders:
- Contact client and advise them access has been turned off until the designated institutional Office completes the disciplinary action they deem appropriate. ITG will not turn access back on until they have been notified of the result of the disciplinary action.
If you are a(n): | Designated Institutional Office | Sanction 1st Time | Sanction 2nd Time |
If you are a(n):MBA | Designated Institutional OfficeOffice of Student Affairs | Sanction 1st TimeReview with Assistant Dean and place on probation - resolution sent to Vice Dean | Sanction 2nd TimeAppear before Disciplinary Committee |
If you are a(n):Ph.D. | Designated Institutional OfficePh.D. Office | Sanction 1st TimeReview with Assistant Dean and place on probation - resolution sent to Vice Dean | Sanction 2nd TimeAppear before Disciplinary Committee |
If you are a(n):EMBA | Designated Institutional OfficeEMBA Office | Sanction 1st TimeReview with Assistant Dean and place on probation - resolution sent to Vice Dean | Sanction 2nd TimeAppear before Disciplinary Committee |
- For more information about Columbia University policies, please see the Computer and Network Use Policy
- For more information about copyright, please see Copyright Information for Network Users at Columbia
- For more information about our copyright process ITG Policies
Please familiarize yourself with these policies and inform your ITG Support Specialist should you have any questions regarding these policies and practices